How to coach like Michael Bungay Stanier

Published on
February 29, 2016
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We’ve been excited for the world to finally get a chance to read Michael Bungay Stanier’s The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever since we were given a peek late last year. Now that time has come. This book is an indispensable resource if you’re a leader or aspire to someday be one.

On March 11, 2016, Michael will be joining us for an exclusive free webinar and you’re invited. Over the course of the hour he will unpack some of the most important takeaways from his book, including:

  1. Why coaching is a critical skill for organizations and how you can make a significant impact on overall performance in your organization.
  2. The 7 questions you should ask your team members to empower them to own (and solve!) their problems.
  3. How to master the art of answering questions by asking more questions, rather than jumping in with solutions, leaving ownership for solving the problem with the person who needs to implement the solution. (BONUS: this frees the person being asked for help from feeling they need to “rescue” the other person.)
  4. How to fully embrace a coaching mindset and how to avoid the barriers or pitfalls that could prevent you from initiating a successful coaching conversation.
  5. How to form habits using Michael’s New Habit Formula from the book.
  6. How to build coaching skills at all levels and increase the use of coaching in peer-to-peer relationships using our newest module in the Actionable platform, the Coaching Mindset, based on Michael’s newest book.

So, what are you waiting for? Click here reserve your spot today! (And while you’re waiting for the webinar to kick off, check out our summary of The Coaching Habit.)