No Flat Edges

Published on
August 26, 2011
Chris Taylor
"Ideas are only valuable when applied."
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Here’s my theory on life:

We’re dealing with one massive puzzle. The puzzle has no “flat edged pieces” to start with, so you’re basically stuck starting from the pieces you’re born with; the pieces you have in front of you. As you go out into the world, diving deep into conversation, experience, and greater learning, you start to collect more puzzle pieces. And, if you take some time, you can start to see how certain pieces snap together Get enough pieces, and an entirely new picture emerges – fluid and collaborative – something at once greater than the sum of its parts.

I’ve conditioned myself so completely to this analogy that I can almost hear a “click” as a new piece of information falls into place. Pursuing pieces of my puzzle is fulfilling. It makes every conversation interesting, every experience fulfilling on a larger level, and (for me), turns every book into a treasure hunt.

And who said puzzles were boring?