2016 Reading Challenge

Published on
January 5, 2016
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Happy New Year! In these early days of the new year many of us are setting resolutions for changes we want to make in our lives. Some of us want to implement more healthy eating choices, while others may want to cross a few more items off the old bucket list.

Last year I resolved to read more and failed. Why? Two reasons:

  1. I wasn’t intentional enough.
  2. I was too ambitious.

I believe that for most of us, change only happens when we start with small, manageable steps, and those steps must be intentional. If you only read a handful of books last year, say four or five, setting a goal of reading one book per week probably falls under the too ambitious category like it did for me. (But hey, if you want to give it a shot, all the more power to you!)

So, my challenge to those of you who want to make reading more of a priority in 2016 is to set a realistic, attainable goal. That might be a book a month (like our new and returning Actionable Book Club members). Or maybe it’s not about quantifying the number of books, but rather carving out a set amount of time each day to make reading part of your routine, like going to the gym. And if it helps, find an accountability buddy so you can hold each other to it!

I’ll check in this time next year to see how we all did.