Introducing Rex Williams

Published on
September 13, 2013
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At Actionable Books we are incredibly grateful for the unique and diverse people who make up our team and strive to celebrate them whenever possible. Rex Williams is one such person.

Rex has completed 13 summaries for Actionable Books. Who is the main behind the summaries? Read on! (And if you would like to join our community of guest writers, learn more here.)


What do you do when you’re not writing Actionable summaries?
Well, I have four active children, so when I’m not writing Actionable summaries I’m usually a taxi or spectator at a swim meet, band performance, soccer game or other event. Plus, for some reason, just because I have a few college degrees, somehow I’m supposed to know how to help with the homework my kids brings home. First of all, the homework sure seems to be different these days, and second, I thought I was done with school (the schooling system, not learning, I like that.) I guess I’m in phase two. Hope they’re learning something.

When I do get some time to myself (and I’m not reading my Actionable Books) I usually have a video or two I’m working on producing. I enjoy the artistic elements of mixing music and pictures in a creative way. In fact, even though I’m still a complete amateur, I’ve somehow become known for producing internal videos for my corporation. Apparently, I’m considered good enough for executives to have me produce promo or educational videos for their initiatives. Now, other groups are asking me to produce videos for a variety of purposes. It’s quite a new job description for me, an engineer, but it’s fun, so I enjoy these side projects.

How has Actionable Books impacted your life?
First, I always thought it was a great idea, and I’m so glad that Chris has kept it up and expanded his platform. The idea of really capturing the actionable parts of a business book is a concrete way for making change in your life. Having this focus has helped me to read books differently.

Next, committing to write summaries has really forced me to read and write more good stuff than I would have if I just ‘did it in my spare time’–even though I don’t always make my deadlines. ;( So I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute, because it has increased my knowledge and abilities.

Finally, taking action on just a few of the books I’ve read has steered my life onto a better path than I was on previously. Knowledge and action make a difference.

What’s your favorite summary you’ve written so far?
That’s a tough one, because sometimes I may have not written the best summary on a great book. I guess I’d have to say that I like how Be the Best at What Matters Most turned out. But Mindfire is a close second. Other books were very good, but my summaries may not have matched the caliber of the book. I’m always learning and trying to get better.

Where will you be one year from now?
Well, if I can squeeze the time in to finish my own book, I’ll have written my best Actionable Summary on my own book about curiosity. I’m fascinated about the subject, and especially how it drives people to action. So, within a year, I hope to have been curious enough to find out what it feels like to be an author.

Best advice you’ve ever been given…
It’s from my father, who was a junior high school counselor, and Mr. Motivation. He was always trying to brighten people’s lives and knew it was a personal choice to do so. He said, “There are only two ‘have-to’s’ in life: die and decide. Everything else is a choice.” He later added a third, “You also ‘have to’ experience the consequences of your choices.” He taught me that even though a variety of things may happen to me, I will always have the power to choose how I react to them.

Describe your own personal brand in 5 words or less.
Curious connector grassroots corporate revolutionary.