Those that Do

Published on
November 4, 2013
Chris Taylor
"Ideas are only valuable when applied."
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My friend Michael is hosting a truly cool, truly unique Great Work MBA next week. 25 thought leaders (including Chris Brogan, Nilofer Merchant, Sally Hogshead, Brené Brown) discussing Great Work (as opposed to Bad Work, or the far more insidious Good Work); providing a multitude of tips and action plans for making work more enjoyable, more productive and more fulfilling.

It’s a fabulous program, it’s free (next week only), and I’m delighted to be playing a small part in it.

One of the perks of being involved is I get to watch the discussions ahead of time. I’m about 20% of the way through, and loving every minute of it. The biggest takeaway I’ve gained from these highly successful (and highly happy, I would suspect) individuals is that nothing changes until you do. Those who realize great success do something to drive that success. They start. They don’t wait until it’s perfect. They don’t wait until they can’t fail. They simply jump in.

Over the past 5 years with Actionable, we’ve tried lots of things. Some have gone exactly as planned. Some have been statistical failures. And yet, even with the failures, every single initiative launched – everything actually pushed into the world – has generated value that outweighed the cost of launching. We’ve learned something that’s set us in a new direction. We’ve met people that have later provided real value, either through endorsement or actual dollars.

I believe that if you’re trying something new that (a) aligns with your values, (b) works towards a purpose that lights you up inside, and that you (c) spend at least a little time mitigating the risk, you’re going to wind up better than you were before. Because, to put a slight spin on it, “nothing changes until you Do“.

I recommend you check out Michael’s free program next week (register this week). Use the myriad of talks as the push to start something. The push to Do.

And, if you’re coach, consultant or facilitator, you may also want to check out our Actionable Consultant Program (ACP). It’s full of people who believe that work can be an enriching, enjoyable experience… and they’re doing something about it. Applications are now open.