"It is hard enough to do what you were born to do; why complicate it by trying to be someone else?"
- The 5 Dharma Types, page 105
"There is one thing that you do better than anyone else in the world, and your dharma type is the key to finding it!"- The 5 Dharma Types, page 386
In the West particularly, we’re familiar with terms like karma (“what goes around comes around”). What we have less understanding of is dharma, our purpose in the world. Yet, without knowing “who am I” or “why am I here”, life can become quite meaningless.
Are you curious to learn the “operating system for your identity”? Here we go:
"Knowing your dharma in any area of life you can weigh your decisions and ask yourself, ‘does this serve my highest purpose or detract from it’?"- The 5 Dharma Types, page 71
From an extensive elaboration of each type, the author goes on to describe some natural pairings by which we can continuously grow and evolve:
To fully step into your dharma’s essence, here’s a next step for each:
"There are no good or bad people, only resourceful and un-resourceful states."- Anthony Robbins, quoted in The 5 Dharma Types, page 153
Conversely, when the types devolve, they become oblivious to alternative intelligences and unable to speak languages other than their own. Here’s what to watch out for:
Naturally, the danger with any “system” is to stereotype. Rather than pigeon-hole, strive to understand those around you.
Think back to times you went against the grain of your nature and later suffered. Were there also periods you pushed to develop and integrate skills that ended up benefitting you immensely? In the latter instance, you were (intuitively) playing to strengths.
Now, supported by ancient Vedic wisdom, you can proactively attain fulfillment. Everything you need is already on the inside. For, self-improvement is really self-actualization.
Simon Chokoisky teaches Sanskrit and Medical Astrology at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He also runs a private consulting business based on his trainings in Vedic life mapping and Vedic astrology. The creator of the Decoding Your Life Map with Vedic Astrology DVD series, he travels widely giving seminars. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.