Together is Better

Summary Written by Justin Gasbarre
“Imagine a world where people wake up every day inspired to go to work, feel safe while they are there, and return home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled by the work they do, feeling that they have contributed to something greater than themselves.”

- Simon Sinek’s Website,

The Big Idea

Short Term Steps Lead to Long-Term Success

"Our struggles are the short-term steps we must take on our way to long-term success."- Together is Better, page 86

Our lives are long. No matter the successes or failures we experience, each is only a small fraction of our life. Simon explains it this way, “life is not a single scene. It is a whole movie that must play out…our only challenge (or opportunity) is we don’t know what comes next” (page 133).

That statement is so profound, especially in today’s society when we expect results and success immediately. I personally struggle with this quite a bit. If you look at or into most “successful” people or companies, you will often find that their success is a result of a process that has transpired over a long period. The lesson here is to learn to let things play out and treat both the wins and the losses as just a part of the journey. As long as we continue to learn, grow and get better (from success and failure) our results over the long-term will be where we hoped they would be.

Insight #1

We Don’t Have to Have All the Answers

"When we say out loud what we don’t know, it increases the likelihood that someone who does know will offer help."- Together is Better, page 37

Sinek says this is one of the most power lessons he’s ever learned and I think most would agree. It’s common place to feel like you need or should know the answer to just about everything. Now, take a step back and think about that: it’s not practical. But in the moment, the pressure and presumed expectation of knowledge makes it difficult not to feel like you should know everything.

Sinek shares with us his experience in learning this lesson, “as soon as I mustered the courage to state out loud what I didn’t know or understand, or ask for help or accept it when it was offered, my career completely turn around. It turns out, there were always people who wanted to help…they just didn’t know I needed it. Funny that” (page 127).

Whether it is in school, on the job, or just in our lives, it’s OK not to know everything—so don’t feel like you need to! As it was for Sinek, it might be the turning point in your career or your life.

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Insight #2

Be a Student, Not the Teacher

"Leadership is an education. And the best leaders think of themselves as the students, not the teachers."- Together is Better, page 89

What a contradictory statement, right? Aren’t leaders are supposed to be the “teachers”? Carol Dweck wrote a book called Mindset which explores a growth mindset (you can change and grow) vs. a fixed mindset (your traits are fixed). Leaders that have a “growth mindset” know they still have a lot to learn and know that they don’t have all the answers or best ideas.

If a leader is set in their ways and is not open to continuing to learn and grow, this spells disaster (most times) for their team. Engagement goes down, productivity goes down, and ultimately, results go down. The effect on the short term results might not be immediate but you will certainly notice them over the long term.

Sinek speaks his mind on this topic by writing, “If you have a new idea or perspective to offer and you repeatedly hear, “I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you—I think I know what I’m doing, RUN! RUN! RUN!” (Page 134).

“A star wants to see himself rise to the top. A leader wants to see those around him become star” (page 111).

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Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek teaches leaders and companies how to inspire people.

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